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ELI-NP Visit

Poze din timpul vizitei organizate de AREN la Extreme-Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) de la Măgurele. (laserul de la Magurele) si la STDR Radioactive Waste Treatment Plant de pe aceeasi platforma la care au participat colegi nuclearisti de la CNE Cernavoda, FCN Pitesti, SNN Bucuresti si CITON. Multumim gazdelor pentru amabilitate si pentru informatiile impartasite si organizatorilor in special doamnei Veronica Andrei si Sindicatului CNE Cernavoda. #nuclearexcelence #teamwork #turaE_U2 #nukewokers. ELI-NP is going to be the most advanced research facility in the world focusing on the study of photonuclear physics and its applications, comprising a very high intensity laser of two 10PW ultra-short pulse lasers and the most brilliant tunable gamma-ray beam. Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) will be the only European and International Centre for high-level research on ultra-high intensity laser, laser-matter interaction and secondary sources with unparalleled possibilities. #Romania

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